It is known that $ℬ(ℓ^{p})$ is not amenable for p = 1,2,∞, but whether or not $ℬ(ℓ^{p})$ is amenable for p ∈ (1,∞) ∖ {2} is an open problem. We show that, if $ℬ(ℓ^{p})$ is amenable for p ∈ (1,∞), then so are $ℓ^{∞}(ℬ(ℓ^{p}))$ and $ℓ^{∞}(𝓚(ℓ^{p}))$. Moreover, if $ℓ^{∞}(𝓚(ℓ^{p}))$ is amenable so is $ℓ^{∞}(𝕀,𝓚(E))$ for any index set 𝕀 and for any infinite-dimensional $ℒ^{p}$-space~E; in particular, if $ℓ^{∞}(𝓚(ℓ^{p}))$ is amenable for p ∈ (1,∞), then so is $ℓ^{∞}(𝓚(ℓ^{p} ⊕ ℓ²))$. We show that $ℓ^{∞}(𝓚(ℓ^{p} ⊕ ℓ²))$ is not amenable for p = 1,∞, but also that our methods fail us if p ∈ (1,∞). Finally, for p ∈ (1,2) and a free ultrafilter 𝒰 over ℕ, we exhibit a closed left ideal of $(𝓚(ℓ^{p}))_{𝒰}$ lacking a right approximate identity, but enjoying a certain very weak complementation property.