We determine the duals of the homogeneous matrix-weighted Besov spaces $Ḃ^{αq}_{p}(W)$ and $ḃ^{αq}_{p}(W)$ which were previously defined in [5]. If W is a matrix $A_{p}$ weight, then the dual of $Ḃ^{αq}_{p}(W)$ can be identified with $Ḃ^{-αq'}_{p'}(W^{-p'/p})$ and, similarly, $[ḃ^{αq}_{p}(W)]* ≈ ḃ^{-αq'}_{p'}(W^{-p'/p})$. Moreover, for certain W which may not be in the $A_{p}$ class, the duals of $Ḃ^{αq}_{p}(W)$ and $ḃ^{αq}_{p}(W)$ are determined and expressed in terms of the Besov spaces $Ḃ^{-αq'}_{p'}({A^{-1}_{Q}})$ and $ḃ^{-αq'}_{p'}({A_{Q}^{-1}})$, which we define in terms of reducing operators ${A_{Q}}_{Q}$ associated with W. We also develop the basic theory of these reducing operator Besov spaces. Similar results are shown for inhomogeneous spaces.