We construct two models for the level by level equivalence between strong compactness and supercompactness in which if κ is λ supercompact and λ ≥ κ is regular, we are able to determine exactly the number of normal measures $P_{κ}(λ)$ carries. In the first of these models, $P_{κ}(λ)$ carries $2^{2^{[λ]^{<κ}}}$ many normal measures, the maximal number. In the second of these models, $P_{κ}(λ)$ carries $2^{2^{[λ]^{<κ}}}$ many normal measures, except if κ is a measurable cardinal which is not a limit of measurable cardinals. In this case, κ (and hence also $P_{κ}(κ)$) carries only κ⁺ many normal measures. In both of these models, there are no restrictions on the structure of the class of supercompact cardinals.