We show that under appropriate set-theoretic assumptions (which follow from Martin's axiom and the continuum hypothesis) there exists a nowhere meager set A ⊂ ℝ such that
(i) the set {c ∈ ℝ: π[(f+c) ∩ (A×A)] is not meager} is meager for each continuous nowhere constant function f: ℝ → ℝ,
(ii) the set {c ∈ ℝ: (f+c) ∩ (A×A) = ∅} is nowhere meager for each continuous function f: ℝ → ℝ.
The existence of such a set also follows from the principle CPA, which holds in the iterated perfect set model. We also prove that the existence of a set A as in (i) cannot be proved in ZFC alone even when we restrict our attention to homeomorphisms of ℝ. On the other hand, for the class of real-analytic functions a Bernstein set A satisfying (ii) exists in ZFC.