Let N ≥ 2 be a given integer. Suppose that $df = (dfₙ)_{n≥0}$ is a martingale difference sequence with values in $ℓ₁^{N}$ and let $(εₙ)_{n≥0}$ be a deterministic sequence of signs. The paper contains the proof of the estimate $ℙ(sup_{n≥0} ||∑_{k=0}^{n} ε_{k} df_{k}||_{ℓ₁^{N}} ≥ 1) ≤ (ln N + ln(3ln N))/(1 - (2ln N)^{-1}) sup_{n≥0} 𝔼||∑_{k=0}^{n} df_{k}||_{ℓ₁^{N}}$. It is shown that this result is asymptotically sharp in the sense that the least constant $C_{N}$ in the above estimate satisfies $lim_{N→ ∞} C_{N}/ln N = 1$. The novelty in the proof is the explicit verification of the ζ-convexity of the space $ℓ₁^{N}$.