Let T be a spherical 2-expansive m-tuple and let $T^{𝔰}$ denote its spherical Cauchy dual. If $T^{𝔰}$ is commuting then the inequality
$∑_{|β|=k} (β!)^{-1}(T^{𝔰})^{β}(T^{𝔰})*^{β} ≤ (k+m-1 \atop k) ∑_{|β|=k} (β!)^{-1}(T^{𝔰})*^{β}(T^{𝔰})^{β}$
holds for every positive integer k. In case m = 1, this reveals the rather curious fact that all positive integral powers of the Cauchy dual of a 2-expansive (or concave) operator are hyponormal.