We consider sequentially completely Ramsey and sequentially nowhere Ramsey sets on $ω^ω$ with the topology generated by a free filter ℱ on ω. We prove that if ℱ is an ultrafilter, then the σ-algebra of Baire sets is the σ-algebra $S_{ℱ}𝓒𝓡$ of sequentially completely Ramsey sets. Further we study additivity and cofinality of the σ-ideal $S_{ℱ}𝓒𝓡 ⁰$ of sequentially nowhere Ramsey sets. We prove that if ℱ is a P(𝔟)-ultrafilter then $add(S_{ℱ}𝓒𝓡⁰) = 𝔟$, and if ℱ is a P-ultrafilter then $cof(S_{ℱ}𝓒𝓡⁰)$ is the point π-character of the space Seq(ℱ)$.