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2015 | 107 | 1 | 43-62

Tytuł artykułu

Approximation polynômiale dans des classes de jets

Treść / Zawartość

Języki publikacji



In this paper we obtain results on approximation, in the multidimensional complex case, of functions from $𝓐^{∞}(K)$ by complex polynomials. In particular, we generalize the results of Pawłucki and Pleśniak (1986) for the real case and of Siciak (1993) in the case of one complex variable. Furthermore, we extend the results of Baouendi and Goulaouic (1971) who obtained the order of approximation in the case of Gevrey classes over real compacts with smooth analytic boundary and we present the orders of approximation of certain intermediate classes of holomorphic ultradifferentiable jets $𝓗_{M}(K)$. In addition to the property (HCP), a crucial role will be played by a new geometrical criterion over the compact (property (ŁS)).


  • EECOMAS Lab, ENSA, Université Ibn Tofail, 14000 Kénitra, Maroc
  • EECOMAS Lab, ENSA, Université Ibn Tofail, 14000 Kénitra, Maroc
  • Université Paul Sabatier, 118, route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse CEDEX 09, France


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