We generalize the concept of warped manifold to Riemannian submersions π: M → B between two compact Riemannian manifolds $(M,g_M)$ and $(B,g_B)$ in the following way. If f: B → (0,∞) is a smooth function on B which is extended to a function f̂ = f ∘ π constant along the fibres of π then we define a new metric $g_f$ on M by
$g_f|_{𝓗 × 𝓗 } ≡ g_M|_{𝓗 × 𝓗 }, g_f|_{𝓥× TM̂} ≡ f̂² g_M|_{𝓥×TM̂}$,
where 𝓗 and 𝓥 denote the bundles of horizontal and vertical vectors. The manifold $(M,g_f)$ obtained that way is called a warped submersion. The function f is called a warping function. We show a necessary and sufficient condition for convergence of a sequence of warped submersions to the base B in the Gromov-Hausdorff topology. Finally, we consider an example of a sequence of warped submersions which does not converge to its base.