We prove that the problem of finding all $ℳ f_m$-natural operators $B:Q⟿ QT^A$ lifting classical linear connections ∇ on m-manifolds M to classical linear connections $B_M(∇)$ on the Weil bundle $T^{A}M$ corresponding to a p-dimensional (over ℝ) Weil algebra A is equivalent to the one of finding all $ℳ f_m$-natural operators $C:Q ⟿ (T¹_{p-1},T* ⊗ T* ⊗ T)$ transforming classical linear connections ∇ on m-manifolds M into base-preserving fibred maps $C_M(∇):T¹_{p-1}M = ⨁^{p-1}_{M} TM → T*M ⊗ T*M ⊗ TM$.