ArticleOriginal scientific text
Hankel type integral transforms connected with the hyper-Bessel differential operators
Authors 1, 2
- Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Free University of Berlin, Arnimallee 2-6, D-14195 Berlin, Germany
- Institute of Mathematics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia 1090, Bulgaria
In this paper we give a solution of a problem posed by the second author in her book, namely, to find symmetrical integral transforms of Fourier type, generalizing the cos-Fourier (sin-Fourier) transform and the Hankel transform, and suitable for dealing with the hyper-Bessel differential operators of order m>1 , β>0, , j=1,...,m. We obtain such integral transforms corresponding to hyper-Bessel operators of even order 2m and belonging to the class of the Mellin convolution type transforms with the Meijer G-function as kernels. Inversion formulas and some operational relations for these transforms are found.
operational relations, generalized Hankel-transform, Meijer's G-function, hyper-Bessel differential operator
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