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A note on singularities at infinity of complex polynomials

Authors 1


  1. Departement de Mathématiques, Université d'Angers 2, bd. Lavoisier, 49045 Angers Cedex 01, France


Let f be a complex polynomial. We relate the behaviour of f "at infinity" to the sheaf of vanishing cycles of the family f¯ of projective closures of fibres of f. We show that the absence of such cycles: (i) is equivalent to a condition on the asymptotic behaviour of gradient of f known as Malgrange's Condition, (ii) implies the C-triviality of f. If the support of sheaf of vanishing cycles of f¯ is a finite set, then it detects precisely the change of the topology of the fibres of f. Moreover, in this case, the generic fibre of f has the homotopy type of a bouquet of spheres.


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Exact and natural sciences