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A Note on Gödel-Dummet Logic LC

Let \(A_{0},A_{1},...,A_{n}\) be (possibly) distintict wffs, \(n\) being an odd number equal to or greater than 1. Intuitionistic Propositional Logic IPC plus the axiom \((A_{0}\rightarrow A_{1})\vee ...\vee (A_{n-1}\rightarrow A_{n})\vee (A_{n}\rightarrow A_{0})\) is equivalent to Gödel-Dummett logic LC. However, if \(n\) is an even number equal to or greater than 2, IPC plus the said axiom is a sublogic of LC.
The logic BN4 can be considered as the 4-valued logic of the relevant conditional and the logic E4, as the 4-valued logic of (relevant) entailment. The aim of this paper is to endow E4 with a 2-set-up Routley-Meyer semantics. It is proved that E4 is strongly sound and complete w.r.t. this semantics.
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