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Distributive multisemilattices

CONTENTS 1. Introduction........................................................................................................................5 2. Definition, basic examples and properties of multisemilattices...........................................6 3. The subdirectly irreducibles..............................................................................................13 4. The lattice of subvarieties of $D_n$.................................................................................18 5. Subvarieties of $D_n$ defined by identities involving at most two operation symbols......24 6. Some further comments and open problems....................................................................34 References...........................................................................................................................40
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The algebra of mode homomorphisms

Modes are idempotent and entropic algebras. While the mode structure of sets of submodes has received considerable attention in the past, this paper is devoted to the study of mode structure on sets of mode homomorphisms. Connections between the two constructions are established. A detailed analysis is given for the algebra of homomorphisms from submodes of one mode to submodes of another. In particular, it is shown that such algebras can be decomposed as Płonka sums of more elementary homomorphism algebras. Some critical examples are examined.
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